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- Gear and items -

© 2024 Peacely.Online


There are many types of archivements in the game, for example:
  • Items
  • StackItems
  • Entering new maps
  • Killing monsters

More other archivements
  • Buy Item from NPCs
  • Buy Stack Item from NPCs
  • Collect Archivement Reward
  • Complete a quest
  • Cooking
  • Fight in a challenge
  • Fight with a Boss
  • Harvest Plants
  • Harvest Trees
  • Havest from bushes
  • Incubating Eggs
  • Lose in combat
  • Miner
  • Obtain a pet
  • Pickup Dropped Item
  • Pickup Dropped StackItem
  • Selling Item to NPC
  • Selling Stack Items
  • Start Fishing
  • Upgrade item
  • Use HP Potion
  • Win in combat

Don't for get to click on your avatar (top-left) and claim achievement rewards