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Gem Slots

Gem slots are special sockets found on items that allow you to embed gems and enhance your gear with various effects.

Shop Items: Items purchased from shops do not come with gem slots.
Dropped Items: Items from monster drops have a chance to contain one gem slot.

To add gem slots to an item, you’ll need to use Drills (Drill I-IV). Each drill unlocks a specific gem slot in sequence, and you must unlock the previous slot before adding the next one (see drill details below).

Once an item has an available socket, you can embed a gem into it. Each gem slot can hold only one gem. Important: If you place a new gem into a slot that already contains a gem, the original gem will be replaced and cannot be recovered.

Drill I-IV:
These tools are used to create gem slots on an item. You can create a new slot only after the previous one has been unlocked:
• Drill I: Creates the first gem slot.
• Drill II: Adds the second gem slot.
• Drill III: Unlocks the third gem slot.
• Drill IV: Creates the fourth and final gem slot.

Name Icon Detail
Drill I Creates the first gem slot in an item
Drill II Creates the second gem slot in an item
Drill III Creates the third gem slot in an item
Drill IV Creates the forth gem slot in an item

Combining Gem Effects
When gems are embedded, their effects are combined to boost the item's power. For example, equipping multiple gems will stack their benefits, providing stronger boosts to your stats or abilities.

Gem Effects Below is a list of gem effects: