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Item Rarity

In Peacely Online, items come with different levels of rarity, each boosting the effects and attributes of the items. Here is a breakdown of the item rarities available in the game:

Item Rarity Levels

Basic items from merchants and monster drops
Got x3 effects (for example, increase PATK 3 times compare to common items)
Got x8 effects (for example, increase PATK 8 times compare to common items)
Got x27 effects (Event item, can't manually upgrade to this level)
Got x99 effects (Event item, can't manually upgrade to this level)

Using Item Coupons

To obtain items with higher rarity, you can use Legendary Item Coupons and Rare Item Coupons (From boss fight). These coupons can be exchanged with the Coupon Master in the Far Hut map. When you exchange a coupon, you'll receive a random item related to your level.

Attaching Energy

Alternatively, you can enhance your items by attaching energy to them. To do this, visit the Energy Leak map and use Soul Crystals to attach (upgrade) your item to Rare or Legendary status.

Soul Crystals can be obtained after level 19. For every monster you slay in combat, you will receive 1 Soul Crystal.

Soul Crystal (StackItem)

You can access the Energy Leak map from the Ruins Giftshop map (connected to Peacely Ville). There's an unmarked warp gateway on the left side of the Ruins Giftshop map.