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Jump to List of Skills, Weapon Skill

There are two ways to learn a new skill: by using a skill book or by crafting it with runes.

You can obtain skill books by:

• Buying them from NPC shops scattered across the world map.
• Getting them as random loot after defeating monsters.
• Purchasing or selling them on the Merisa market.

To craft a skill, go to the skill menu. If you’ve reached the required level, you’ll see a crafting icon. Click on it to see which runes you need. Want to know where to find a rune? Just click on its icon.

To learn a skill from a skill book, you’ll need to improve your character’s attributes to meet the book’s requirements. However, if you learn a skill by crafting it, you don’t need to upgrade your attributes.

Tanker Skills

Name Logo Detail
Defend Shield
level 15
Increase Defense for 30 seconds
Requirements: STR: 27 DEX: 41 CON: 68 CHA: 15 WIS: 15 INT: 15
Double Shield
level 30
Increase Defense for all Ally for 15 seconds
Requirements: STR: 54 DEX: 81 CON: 135 CHA: 30 WIS: 30 INT: 30
Guard Stance
level 50
Increase Attack and Defense
Requirements: STR: 90 DEX: 135 CON: 225 CHA: 50 WIS: 50 INT: 50
level 70
Attack With full strength
Requirements: STR: 126 DEX: 189 CON: 315 CHA: 70 WIS: 70 INT: 70
Attack Tactic
level 90
Move to random position deal AOE
Requirements: STR: 162 DEX: 243 CON: 405 CHA: 90 WIS: 90 INT: 90
Attack Dummy
level 110
Summon attack dummy
Requirements: STR: 198 DEX: 297 CON: 495 CHA: 110 WIS: 110 INT: 110
Critical Stance
level 130
Deal critical damage to nearby foe
Requirements: STR: 234 DEX: 351 CON: 585 CHA: 130 WIS: 130 INT: 130
level 150
Deflects most normal attacks
Requirements: STR: 270 DEX: 405 CON: 675 CHA: 150 WIS: 150 INT: 150
level 170
Deal damage and stun all foes
Requirements: STR: 306 DEX: 459 CON: 765 CHA: 170 WIS: 170 INT: 170
Berserker Stance
level 190
Increase skill energy recovery speed
Requirements: STR: 342 DEX: 513 CON: 855 CHA: 190 WIS: 190 INT: 190
Attack Dummy 2
level 210
Summon attack dummy
Requirements: STR: 378 DEX: 567 CON: 945 CHA: 210 WIS: 210 INT: 210
On Guard!
level 230
Increase Defense for all Ally
Requirements: STR: 414 DEX: 621 CON: 1035 CHA: 230 WIS: 230 INT: 230
Iron Clash
level 250
Increase Defense
Requirements: STR: 450 DEX: 675 CON: 1125 CHA: 250 WIS: 250 INT: 250
Ground Shake
level 270
Slam and stun nearby enemy
Requirements: STR: 486 DEX: 729 CON: 1215 CHA: 270 WIS: 270 INT: 270
Animated Dummy
level 290
Summon Animated Dummies
Requirements: STR: 522 DEX: 783 CON: 1305 CHA: 290 WIS: 290 INT: 290

Magician Skills

Name Logo Detail
Shock Strike
level 15
Deal AOE damage to all foe
Requirements: STR: 15 DEX: 15 CON: 15 CHA: 68 WIS: 27 INT: 41
Blue Power
level 30
Deal damage and stun nearby foe
Requirements: STR: 30 DEX: 30 CON: 30 CHA: 135 WIS: 54 INT: 81
Ring of Fire
level 50
Increase Magic Damage
Requirements: STR: 50 DEX: 50 CON: 50 CHA: 225 WIS: 90 INT: 135
Moving Target
level 70
Teleport away
Requirements: STR: 70 DEX: 70 CON: 70 CHA: 315 WIS: 126 INT: 189
Frost Aura
level 90
Deal damage to all foe
Requirements: STR: 90 DEX: 90 CON: 90 CHA: 405 WIS: 162 INT: 243
Light Quake
level 110
Increase Energy Generation
Requirements: STR: 110 DEX: 110 CON: 110 CHA: 495 WIS: 198 INT: 297
Floating Flames
level 130
Deal AOE Damage
Requirements: STR: 130 DEX: 130 CON: 130 CHA: 585 WIS: 234 INT: 351
level 150
Increase Speed
Requirements: STR: 150 DEX: 150 CON: 150 CHA: 675 WIS: 270 INT: 405
level 170
slow down your foes
Requirements: STR: 170 DEX: 170 CON: 170 CHA: 765 WIS: 306 INT: 459
Heal all ally
level 190
Heal all ally
Requirements: STR: 190 DEX: 190 CON: 190 CHA: 855 WIS: 342 INT: 513
Fiery Greatsword
level 210
Deal Damage to random foe
Requirements: STR: 210 DEX: 210 CON: 210 CHA: 945 WIS: 378 INT: 567
level 230
Blow foes to enemy side of battle field
Requirements: STR: 230 DEX: 230 CON: 230 CHA: 1035 WIS: 414 INT: 621
Hot air balloon
level 250
Launch AOE
Requirements: STR: 250 DEX: 250 CON: 250 CHA: 1125 WIS: 450 INT: 675
Ride the Lightning
level 270
Summon Thunder Strike
Requirements: STR: 270 DEX: 270 CON: 270 CHA: 1215 WIS: 486 INT: 729
Ring of Earth
level 290
Deal Stun to all foes
Requirements: STR: 290 DEX: 290 CON: 290 CHA: 1305 WIS: 522 INT: 783

Swordman Skills

Name Logo Detail
Stage of Attack
level 15
Deal critical damage
Requirements: STR: 68 DEX: 41 CON: 27 CHA: 15 WIS: 15 INT: 15
Stage of Strength
level 30
Attack nearby foe
Requirements: STR: 135 DEX: 81 CON: 54 CHA: 30 WIS: 30 INT: 30
Bull's Charge
level 50
Increase Physical Attack
Requirements: STR: 225 DEX: 135 CON: 90 CHA: 50 WIS: 50 INT: 50
Full Strike
level 70
Attack With full strength
Requirements: STR: 315 DEX: 189 CON: 126 CHA: 70 WIS: 70 INT: 70
level 90
Dodge from critical attack
Requirements: STR: 405 DEX: 243 CON: 162 CHA: 90 WIS: 90 INT: 90
Real Footwork
level 110
Increase Attack Speed
Requirements: STR: 495 DEX: 297 CON: 198 CHA: 110 WIS: 110 INT: 110
Straight Face
level 130
Deal 2x Critical damage to foe
Requirements: STR: 585 DEX: 351 CON: 234 CHA: 130 WIS: 130 INT: 130
Phych Shield
level 150
Increase Physical Attack and defense
Requirements: STR: 675 DEX: 405 CON: 270 CHA: 150 WIS: 150 INT: 150
level 170
Fast Slash nearby foe
Requirements: STR: 765 DEX: 459 CON: 306 CHA: 170 WIS: 170 INT: 170
Body of Mine
level 190
Increase Physical Attack
Requirements: STR: 855 DEX: 513 CON: 342 CHA: 190 WIS: 190 INT: 190
Mirage step
level 210
Create fake targets
Requirements: STR: 945 DEX: 567 CON: 378 CHA: 210 WIS: 210 INT: 210
Ent's Power
level 230
Increase Defence
Requirements: STR: 1035 DEX: 621 CON: 414 CHA: 230 WIS: 230 INT: 230
Sword of Light
level 250
Increase Energy Generation for all ally
Requirements: STR: 1125 DEX: 675 CON: 450 CHA: 250 WIS: 250 INT: 250
level 270
Burn all foe
Requirements: STR: 1215 DEX: 729 CON: 486 CHA: 270 WIS: 270 INT: 270
God's Equipment
level 290
Deal Damage to all foe
Requirements: STR: 1305 DEX: 783 CON: 522 CHA: 290 WIS: 290 INT: 290

Ranger Skills

Name Logo Detail
level 15
Deal critical attack and knock back foes
Requirements: STR: 41 DEX: 68 CON: 15 CHA: 27 WIS: 15 INT: 15
level 30
Deal critical attack and knock back nearby foes
Requirements: STR: 81 DEX: 135 CON: 30 CHA: 54 WIS: 30 INT: 30
Aim for the eyes
level 50
Increase Critical Chance
Requirements: STR: 135 DEX: 225 CON: 50 CHA: 90 WIS: 50 INT: 50
Shock Attack
level 70
Deal Critical damage and stun foes
Requirements: STR: 189 DEX: 315 CON: 70 CHA: 126 WIS: 70 INT: 70
level 90
Increase Physical Attack
Requirements: STR: 243 DEX: 405 CON: 90 CHA: 162 WIS: 90 INT: 90
Life Drain
level 110
Increase Critical Chance
Requirements: STR: 297 DEX: 495 CON: 110 CHA: 198 WIS: 110 INT: 110
Troll Blood
level 130
Increase Health Regeneration
Requirements: STR: 351 DEX: 585 CON: 130 CHA: 234 WIS: 130 INT: 130
Sky Fall
level 150
Increase Energy Generation
Requirements: STR: 405 DEX: 675 CON: 150 CHA: 270 WIS: 150 INT: 150
Surprise Attack
level 170
Try to assassinate random foe
Requirements: STR: 459 DEX: 765 CON: 170 CHA: 306 WIS: 170 INT: 170
level 190
Increase dodge
Requirements: STR: 513 DEX: 855 CON: 190 CHA: 342 WIS: 190 INT: 190
Life Drain
level 210
Deal critical damage to all foes
Requirements: STR: 567 DEX: 945 CON: 210 CHA: 378 WIS: 210 INT: 210
God of speed
level 230
Increase Attack Speed
Requirements: STR: 621 DEX: 1035 CON: 230 CHA: 414 WIS: 230 INT: 230
Death Shadow
level 250
Increase Physical Attack and defense
Requirements: STR: 675 DEX: 1125 CON: 250 CHA: 450 WIS: 250 INT: 250
Flame Field
level 270
Deal AOE damage to all foes
Requirements: STR: 729 DEX: 1215 CON: 270 CHA: 486 WIS: 270 INT: 270
Death Shield
level 290
Deal critical damage to nearby foe 7 times
Requirements: STR: 783 DEX: 1305 CON: 290 CHA: 522 WIS: 290 INT: 290

Necromancer Skills

Name Logo Detail
Death Mirror
level 15
Summon an ally
Requirements: STR: 15 DEX: 15 CON: 15 CHA: 27 WIS: 68 INT: 41
Death Shroud
level 30
Heal all ally
Requirements: STR: 30 DEX: 30 CON: 30 CHA: 54 WIS: 135 INT: 81
level 50
Move away from battle field
Requirements: STR: 50 DEX: 50 CON: 50 CHA: 90 WIS: 225 INT: 135
Mantra of Pain
level 70
Deal AOE Damage
Requirements: STR: 70 DEX: 70 CON: 70 CHA: 126 WIS: 315 INT: 189
level 90
Increase Speed
Requirements: STR: 90 DEX: 90 CON: 90 CHA: 162 WIS: 405 INT: 243
level 110
Summon Wolves
Requirements: STR: 110 DEX: 110 CON: 110 CHA: 198 WIS: 495 INT: 297
Mind Blast
level 130
Mini stun your foes
Requirements: STR: 130 DEX: 130 CON: 130 CHA: 234 WIS: 585 INT: 351
level 150
Create fake targets
Requirements: STR: 150 DEX: 150 CON: 150 CHA: 270 WIS: 675 INT: 405
level 170
Summon Golems
Requirements: STR: 170 DEX: 170 CON: 170 CHA: 306 WIS: 765 INT: 459
Life Retrieve
level 190
Steal life from some of your summons
Requirements: STR: 190 DEX: 190 CON: 190 CHA: 342 WIS: 855 INT: 513
level 210
Heal your summons
Requirements: STR: 210 DEX: 210 CON: 210 CHA: 378 WIS: 945 INT: 567
level 230
Increase Defense for all Ally
Requirements: STR: 230 DEX: 230 CON: 230 CHA: 414 WIS: 1035 INT: 621
Night beam
level 250
Regenerate Energy faster
Requirements: STR: 250 DEX: 250 CON: 250 CHA: 450 WIS: 1125 INT: 675
Phantasmal Berserker
level 270
Stun and knock all enemy
Requirements: STR: 270 DEX: 270 CON: 270 CHA: 486 WIS: 1215 INT: 729
level 290
Summon Death the Undead
Requirements: STR: 290 DEX: 290 CON: 290 CHA: 522 WIS: 1305 INT: 783