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Weapon Skills

Axe Skills

Name Logo Detail
Core Cleave Cleave at your enemy with a physical and a magical power
Requirements: Level 10
Burst Leap at your foe with a devastating attack
Requirements: Level 30
Axe Aura Increase Attack
Requirements: Level 60
Axe Chain Chain. Chop your foe 3 times.
Requirements: Level 110
Triple Chop Increate Critical Chance
Requirements: Level 120
Cyclone Axe Attack all nearby foes
Requirements: Level 150
Swift Increase Speed
Requirements: Level 220
Whirling Axe Spin and attack nearby foes
Requirements: Level 250
Light Leach Increate Energy Generation
Requirements: Level 275
Imaginary Axes Deal damage to all foes in the battle field
Requirements: Level 300

Bow Skills

Name Logo Detail
Fire shot Deal extra damage
Requirements: Level 10
Ice shot slow down your foes
Requirements: Level 30
Eagle Shot Increate Critical Chance
Requirements: Level 60
Fan of Fire Damage Multiple foes
Requirements: Level 110
Sharp Edge Increase Damage
Requirements: Level 120
Punch Arrow Force target to move away
Requirements: Level 150
Flarcher Increase Speed
Requirements: Level 220
Lava floor Create AOE damage over time
Requirements: Level 250
Field of fire Increase Energy Generation
Requirements: Level 275
Psychic Prison Stun and knock all enemy
Requirements: Level 300

Dagger Skills

Name Logo Detail
Double Strike Strike your foe twice.
Requirements: Level 10
Black Strike Strike your foe, bleeding them
Requirements: Level 30
Dagger Leap Increate Critical Chance
Requirements: Level 60
Heartseeker Leap and strike your foe
Requirements: Level 110
Dancing Dagger Increase Physical Attack
Requirements: Level 120
Spinning lotus Deal damage to all nearby foes
Requirements: Level 150
Thunder Shield Increase Defence
Requirements: Level 220
To your heart Inflicting heavy bleeding.
Requirements: Level 250
Madness Wind Increase Energy Generation
Requirements: Level 275
Double Talon Deal critical attack and knock back all foes
Requirements: Level 300

Long Axe Skills

Name Logo Detail
Axe Swing Deal damage to all nearby foes
Requirements: Level 10
Mighty Blow Damage nearby foes with a mighty ground slam.
Requirements: Level 30
Cleaveredge Increase Physical Attack
Requirements: Level 60
Glacial Blow Stun and slow nearby foes
Requirements: Level 110
Hammer Bolt Knock all foes in battle field
Requirements: Level 120
Phase Smash Strike nearby foes 3 times
Requirements: Level 150
Axe Shield Increase Defence
Requirements: Level 220
Swift Axe Stun near by foe
Requirements: Level 250
Axe of war Increase Energy Generation
Requirements: Level 275
Shock wave Deal AOE damage to all foe
Requirements: Level 300

Long Sword Skills

Name Logo Detail
Sword of Wrath Slash your foe again.
Requirements: Level 10
Symbol of Blades Teleport to your target, deal AOE damage
Requirements: Level 30
Iron Scale Increase Defence
Requirements: Level 60
Stun strike Stun nearby foe
Requirements: Level 110
Impale Increase Physical Attack
Requirements: Level 120
Spin Strike Deal damage to all nearby foes
Requirements: Level 150
Iron Curtain Increase Physical Attack and defense
Requirements: Level 220
Blade wind Cause bleeding to all foes
Requirements: Level 250
Iron Field Increase Energy Generation
Requirements: Level 275
Sun Sword Deal damage and stun all foes
Requirements: Level 300

Sword Skills

Name Logo Detail
Dual Strike Deal double damage
Requirements: Level 10
Slash Strike your foes 3 times
Requirements: Level 30
Tactical Strike Increase Critical Chance
Requirements: Level 60
Knock Knock Knock back nearby foes
Requirements: Level 110
Deep Slash Increase Physical Attack
Requirements: Level 120
Infiltrator's Strike Attack multiple random foes
Requirements: Level 150
Precision Increase Physical Attack and defense
Requirements: Level 220
Precision Cleave slow down your foes
Requirements: Level 250
Absorbtion Increase Energy Generation
Requirements: Level 275
Rip Reduce foe defense and deal critical damage
Requirements: Level 300

Tools Skills

Name Logo Detail

Wand Skills

Name Logo Detail
Bolt of Wrath Fire a bolt that damages foes.
Requirements: Level 10
Staff Strike Deal damage to all foes in the battle field
Requirements: Level 30
Punishing Strikes Increase Attack
Requirements: Level 60
Phase Retreat Teleport away from your target
Requirements: Level 110
Air Blade Increase Energy Generation
Requirements: Level 120
Empower Attack all foe
Requirements: Level 150
Renewing Wave Increase allies energy
Requirements: Level 220
Symbol of Swiftness Burn All Nearby Foe
Requirements: Level 250
Solar Beam Deal damage to all foes in the battle field
Requirements: Level 275
Poison Wind Bleeding to all foes in the battle field
Requirements: Level 300

You'll automatically learn all Weapon Skills through practice. Keep using a weapon type to level it up and unlock its skills without needing skill books. You can enable or disable individual skills in the skill interface.